API Yi Yi: Installer for Distance to Panels plugin

Horray for Angéla Germán of reviTTools.info who put together an installer for the API plugin that I wrote about a couple weeks ago that measures distances from panels! Now you can just download, install, and start making freaky stuff in Revit.

Download the zipped executable from here, run the installer, and look for the "Compute distance to Panels" tool in Add-Ins>External Tools. There are some sample files to try out in the package as well. By default they are installed to C:\Program Files\Revit buildz extensions 2010\samples.

Summary of the last post: the plugin calculates the distance between curtain panel by pattern instances and some other placed family, then writes this number to an instance parameter in each panel. The download includes a readme file with more instructions, but you can also read more in the original post.

A couple things to note, I didn't write this plugin, it's from Harry the API Guru who I work with at ADSK, I just compiled the source code which ships in the Revit 2010 SDK, and Angela wrote the installer. I'm just a fan.


  1. Hi Zach, Great blog! It looks like the Distance From Panel Installer link no longer works... Is there a similar installer/plug-in which works for Revit 2014/2015?

  2. Hi. Thanks for reading. Nope, I haven't looked at this installer in a long time, and looks like Angela hasn't built anything on that link since r2013 either. Check out the reactor pattern in the parametric patterns section of this blog, or the attractor samples in Dynamo visual programming.


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