6th Annual Parametric Pumpkin Carving

(Four months later . . .)
Sometimes the bottom falls out . . . the buildz-mobile catches a flat, the water heater explodes, some joker hides a bunch of fresh bananas in your cape just before you unleash the flying monkeys on disloyal minions . . . what have you.

Well, that isn't what happened.  We at Buildz International Inc, LLC, have just been real damn busy.  And neglectful.  Sorry about that, and thank you for your concerned letters. (BTW, "riddance" has 2 d's, you illiterate cretin).  We pledge to do better starting today.

And so, to kickstart the old beast back into production, we happily announce the 6th Annual Parametric Pumpkin Carving! Lubricate your fuse deposition modelers, fuse your model lubricants, and start making hierarchically engraved vegetables!

Prizes, as always, will be awarded for The Goodest, The Baddest, and The Mostest Parametric.

Remember that we at Buildz Open Sores Software and Vegetable Perforations LLP are platform agnostic. Submit entries from whatever tools you are comfortable with: Flood, Lego, LittleBits, abacus, Abaqus, all are welcome. Our factory judges are not judgy (well, we are, but we do it behind your back).

Along with receiving bragging rights, the winners will have their work showcased on these pages to the tens of readers of Buildz, and receive a valuable piece of Buildz schwag. Entries must be received by 12 noon EST Oct 28. Winners will be announced at midnight on Halloween.

So pour yourself a Dynamo (actually, don't), boot up your AKAT 1, and make a web-gl viewable, json based, gluten-free, smart-watch compatible Jack O'Lantern. Post entries to zachkron@gmail.com, at least a screenshot, but feel free to send models, journals, parameters, videos, scripts, whatever, modeled in whatever you like. If you have some huge-ass file, please send a link or let us know and we can work out some kind of upload.

A parting allegory/quiz:
A freshly poured cold beer is put on the counter just before the phone rings. When the pourer comes back and it's warm, (BTW, this is known as Alchohol Neglect) the pourer must decide whether to drink this flat, warm beer or pour it out and start a new one.
What is the proper course of action?


  1. Re: quiz:-
    I must disagree . . .
    The correct procedure is to massage the scalp with the warm beer in order to stimulate hair growth and then marvel at the results whilst sipping the cold one.


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